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asdf Publishing does not condone or support hate speech in any form:

  • Any work determined to be hate speech will be ineligible for any services through asdf Publishing.

    • All services pertaining to that work will cease immediately once the determination has been made.

    • If payment has already been processed for a service pertaining to that work, the client will be reimbursed in full for the service pertaining to that work and that work alone. This reimbursement will occur within 10 business days of the determination.

  • Any work designated as hate speech will be ineligible for hosting on any of asdf Publishing's products.

    • Any work currently hosted on one of asdf Publishing's products will be removed immediately once that determination has been made.

    • If payment has already been processed for the current billing cycle of an asdf Publishing product before that determination is made, the client will be reimbursed in full for the current cycle only. This reimbursement will occur within 10 business days of the determination.

  • asdf Publishing withholds the sole right to determine what designates a work as hate speech.

asdf Publishing may update its Terms of Service at any time, with or without warning.

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